How to Defend Against Hackers and DDOS Attacks
In the last couple of days another series of large scale distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks has hit the internet. (1) Wordfence Blog, (2) ITNews, Australia It is again the old arms race: as defense mechanisms get more and more sophisticated, the attackers get smarter, too. The last big DDOS attack against spam blocker SpamHaus produced traffic of 300 Gigabit per second. That’s 12,000 high speed (25Mbps) internet connections for your home, downloading at full throttle. The new attack averaged 350Gbps with peaks at 400Gbps. What is a distributed denial of service attack?...
read moreLet’s talk about Yext !
Being able to be found by their customers is one of the major success factors of a local business. Aside from the search engines directory listings, social media websites and mobile applications have become major tools in directing a customer to a store, a work shop or a contractor. There’s just one problem for the business: there are so many sites and applications listing their business information, allowing for reviews and a offering a social media presence. Keeping track of all listings and maintaining them for accuracy becomes quite a task for the business owner or the employees. ...
read Markup for YouTube Videos
If you make it easier for a search engine to learn what’s on your website, the search engine will reward you with better rankings or better descriptions in the results pages (SERP). For example, you can help Google (Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu,..) to recognize videos on your site by adding markup data to the video. The exact specification how you can do that can be found at . Here’s a more reasonable approach, useful if your video is already on YouTube, Vimeo or any other hosting service. Here is an example how Google wants you to markup a video : <div...
read moreGoogle Adwords Revenue at $121 Million per Day
According to this article Google is bringing in more than $100 million per day via AdWords. Quoting the article: Though investors seemed disappointed by Google’s third-quarter numbers, its core AdWords business is going like gangbusters, according to a new study by WordStream. The software company found Google earning $100 million a day through AdWords in Q3, serving 5.5 billion impressions per day on search pages and 25.6 billion impressions per day on the Google Display Network. The article is a pretty interesting look into the world of online advertising. Here are a couple of key...
read moreHave Some Cake
Here’s a great example of a small business webpage: Angel Cake Creations of Cary, NC. They create, decorate and customize cakes. From kids and adult birthday cakes, to cakes for special occasions like your office party to wedding cakes. You’ll find the structure of the website in many other small business sites: About the nature of the business. What we do for our customers. Who we are, you are dealing with people after all. A gallery of offerings, with pictures across multiple pages, easily managed after the site goes life. A Pricelist and a Contact page A blog, to keep the...
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